Department of Recruitment and Career +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

Department of Recruitment and Career

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Myrzabay Askаt
Head of the Recruitment Department and Career
Main tasks:
The purpose of the recruitment center is to provide professional orientation work for graduates of schools and colleges, as well as regular work in the second direction of higher and postgraduate education. Centralization of timely and high-quality performance of all work. Increase in the number (contingent) of students.
Main functions:
- Creation and updating of a unified database of graduates of schools and colleges in Kyzylorda, Baikonur and districts of the region;
- Informing parents and applicants about the university and showing their interest in the educational institution;
- Organization of business trips in Kyzylorda, the city of Baikonur and the districts of the region for career guidance of schools, colleges and industrial enterprises and state institutions;
- Organization of visits and contacts with Shymkent, Turkestan and Aktobe regions;
- Organization of contacts and visits through the "Otandastar" Foundation with countries of the Near and far abroad (Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Mongolia, Iran and the People's Republic of China) ;
- Work with media advertising agencies on the placement of information and the development of advertising products for applicants with the effective use of the capabilities of modern technologies.
Purpose: Systematic work with university students, organization of classes. Centralization of timely and high-quality performance of all work carried out. Increase in the number of employed graduates.
- Establishing close ties and working with the staff of the Council of Employees;
- Creation of an employee database with HR employee contacts;
- Close cooperation and work with the regional Department of Social Protection and Employment;
- Monitoring of demand in the labor market by operations;
- Carrying out work on informing on the university's website, in the media and social networks about the events held concerning the classes of graduates;
-Carrying out information and explanatory work on compulsory 3-year work for graduates studying in the EP on the basis of the state educational order and rural quotas;
- Personal Brand training program for students of 1-4 courses;
- Participation of graduate students, university graduates in job fairs;
- Creation of a competence model for a graduate of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University.


Myrzabay Askаt - Head of the Recruitment and Career Department
Phone: +7 747 522 01 02
Zhumagulova Aizhan Kanibekkyzy - chief methodologist
Phone 8747 495 9732
Yelshibek Aidos Zhakypbekuly - methodologist
Phone number: 8 707 118 0998; 8 702 378 2114
Arystanbek Abai Ruslanuly - methodologist
Phone: 8 700 630 1858
Zhumabek Ayabek Bekovich - specialist
Phone: +7 708 721 22 41


 Phone: +7 (7242) 27 60 52;  8 776 538 8899
Address: 120014, Kyzylorda, ul. Y. Zhakhaeva, 67

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